Guided Tour + Talk: Satire for the Times: with Seb Tanti Burlo’ and Jelena Sofronijevic

31 August 2024 
£10 5 - 6 PM




Maltese political cartoonist and artist Seb Tanti Burlo' and Jelena Sofronijevic from EMPIRE LINES podcast will take you on a guided journey through Burlo's solo exhibition Antic Hay, currently on display in Shoreditch.

This timely show is a critique on the decadence of Western society, capturing its decline through 12 new oil paintings. As the Times of Malta's political cartoonist, Burlò’s strong satirical strand underpins all his paintings. The works feature a ribald cast of characters staged within lavish and mundane interiors stretching from the Mediterranean to the North Sea.


“My men, like satyrs grazing on the lawns, shall with the goat feet dance the antic hay.”

- Christopher Marlowe, Edward II


In the tradition of Marlowe and Huxley, Burlò’s Antic Hay sets the stage for the absurd dance performed by an elite class in decline.



Your host



Sebastian Tanti Burlo’ (b.1987) is a Maltese political cartoonist, painter and writer, currently residing in London. His cartoons have been published weekly in the Times of Malta since 2014. 

Jelena Sofronijevic (@empirelinespodcast) is a producer, curator, writer, and researcher based in London.Their independent curatorial projects include Invasion Ecology (2024), and EMPIRE LINES, a podcast which uncovers the unexpected flows of empires through art.